5 Ways To Gain More Body Confidence – Boudoir Photography Toronto
You Are Worth It!!
Yes you are! I remember being 17 and not thinking I was thin enough.. I was not at all body confident. I look back on that and just laugh. 4 kids later, I was super thin back then and I was still so insecure with the way that I looked. I was working part time as a model and being thin was in back then. There was such a focus on looking a certain way, magazines had a lot to do with that. Every where I turned messages were telling me to stay slim, or I wasn’t worthy. I know a part of it was my age, I was young, but another part was the media messages that were everywhere. Being almost 50 now, I have grown to be happy and confident in my own skin. It’s an amazing feeling I wish all woman could feel and embrace. It is possible to feel good about who you are and how you look. Here are my top 8 tips for doing just that.
1. Be Your Own Best Friend
Would you tell your best friend that she looked fat? Chances are you would tell her she looked beautiful, right? Yes, so the next time you look in the mirror, tell yourself you look amazing and you are worthy of all the goodness in the world. You are so worthy, we just have to tell ourselves this everyday!! We will finally see that, if we say it on the regular.
2. Out With The Negative In With The Positive
Yes, do you have people in your life that put you down? Do you have negative Nelly’s in your circle? If the answer is yes, then you have every right to say bye bye to those individuals that are bringing you down! I have even said goodbye to family members who where bringing stress to my life. Yes, I agree in doing this, so that you can grow as a person. Meet some new friends. Join a women’s group and net work with like minded women.
3. Do Something You Love
Do something you love doing. Find a hobby that makes your heart happy. Doing activities that make you happy will help to improve your mood and bring joy to life. When we bring joy to our lives, we are more likely to have a positive out look on how we feel about ourselves.
4. Be Grateful
Everyday I count my blessings. First thing in the morning before my feet hit the floor, I take about 5 mins to be intentionally grateful for all that I have in my life. Yes, my life isn’t perfect because it’s not supposed to be. I really think of what my life has given me and all the lessons I am taught everyday. By showing gratitude daily, you will bring more great things into your life..I truly believe in law of attraction.
5. Seek Professional Help
There is nothing wrong with taking off a few pounds if it’s needed. I recently lost 20lbs that I had gained due to hormonal changes that were going on. I figured out the issue and wanted to make a healthy change. I now view weight loss and healthy body weight in a healthy way. It’s about health for me. If you are obsessing over or being a perfectionist about your body, perhaps talking to someone about it, would be the ideal way to help deal with your body confidence issues. Talk to someone
Remember to love yourself and your body. Our bodies are amazing and do so much for us. Love it, take care of it and it will reward you with a long healthy life.